Various problems faced while using a shopping cart

Description: The usability
of a shopping cart means the degree
of ease with which a shopper can use it.
Shopping carts are absolutely
essential for any kind of online shopping be it grocery or apparel. Without
them, the fun of shopping will decrease thousand folds. But there are plenty of
issues that bother the shoppers regarding the shopping carts.
In some malls there are those websites which
need the registration of your name and other details prior to be used. Just
imagine, you are in a hurry and need to buy some important things from the
online store, and what you found yourself into! Spending 10 minutes registering
your name, address, phone number and other stuffs just to buy one thing.
Moreover, the product might not even be available in the online store!
There are plenty websites that
do not show the things on the shopping
cart clearly. The shopper has to constantly recheck what he or she had
selected while the process of rechecking is quite complicated for those

Another issue that irritates most of the fans
of e-commerce is that every time you need to go to the shopping cart to modify the choice you had made. For example if you
had selected a pair of trousers in green and few moments later you want to
change its colour or size. To do this small change, you have to check your
shopping cart, delete the item and then select the same anew.
Random suggestions to add things to the cart
are also very disturbing. Few people pay attention to those suggestions anyway.
Online shopping
is most popular mode of shopping for today’s generation and if these issues
with the shopping carts can be
eliminated it might be the only mod of shopping n the near future.
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